Excerpt from Chapter 5 of my book Put Your Best Feet Forward.
The Relationship between the Arch of the Foot and the Spine.
The brilliant Dr. John Martin Hiss, MD, DO, was a very influential teacher in the development of…..
The bunion. Is it a growth?–Is it lump?–Did I inherit this?–What is thing on the side of my big toe???
It is the belief of many that bunions are caused by a hereditary gene passed to them from a parent or grandparent because they had one too. This however, is more folklore than actual. There are many potential causes of the development of a bunion but today let’s talk about the most likely cause: The toe-box design of Shoes. The truth…..
If your feet chronically hurt it is most likely due to extreme muscle and joint tension. Though the pain is in your feet, often the precursor to this discomfort is coming from the muscles that move your feet, and those are the muscles found in the lower leg. In fact there are 13 muscles in the lower leg I like to refer to as long foot muscles, which attach to the foot and are responsible for coordinating foot movement. So if you want to relieve foot…..
2019 Structural Reflexology® classes Click Here https://www.putyourbestfeetforward.com/structural-reflexology-2019-schedule/ 2018 Structural Reflexology classes:
March 2nd -4th, 2018 Colours of Reflexology Conference, UK.
April 30th & May 1, 2018, Jazzed About Structural Reflexology, Chicago. …..
If you can wiggle, spread, and bend your toes you probably have a good sense of balance. But for many, this very normal exercise may seem like a far-away notion because when they try–nothing happens. In these cases, the toes have lost their proprioception (sensory awareness). In a way the toes have developed a sort-of sensory paralysis–meaning they can’t move because they have been confined for too long and their normal neural connection from the toes to the brain has atrophied.